Semester 1st 2013..........

Saturday, 8 December 2012

responsibilities of television producer

Responsibilities of Television Producer
Producer is the one who plan the kind of program i.e the is based on the target audience and stability for sponsors. He is the one who have to consider the budget estimate, story line and cast for the program. Director is also selected by the producer. A brief description about responsibilities of producer is given below.

Budget estimate
He must prepare a budget estimate starting with the overall figure which he knows he must face. Therefore it is generally divided into two  major areas.

        Above the line
This part consist of the following

  • Cost of script
  • Director’s fee
  • Editor’s fee
  • Casting expenses (main characters and supporting characters)
  • Outdoor shooting cost (if there is any)

   Below the line

  • Props
  • Transportation
  • Costumes
  • Makeup
  • Studio set design
  • Cameras
  • Microphones
  • Editing unit (systems for editing purpose)
  •     Lights (sometimes producer use special lights depends on the requirements)

Shooting Schedules
Producer has to make shooting schedule for all the cast crew i.e the number of shots of each person. Sometimes this duty is done by the director as well. In case of outdoor shooting the number of shots is to be mentioned very carefully so as to fulfill the requirement of respective program         

Finalizing Costume
 Each character in the play is listed, the number of costumes he or she must have and a description of each. Producer provides the report for rentals and purchases to the wardrobe or designers.

Number of makeup artists and hairdressers are to be mentioned by the producer. Any special makeup needs must be listed associated with the character and gender. Thus make up department will be able to keep a schedule for each performer. Mostly special make up or specific costumes are a part of historical movies or documentaries.

Description of light for each set is required and given by producer with notes of any special lighting effect if needed. At some places there is a separate director for guiding lighting effects.      

Technical operations                                                                                                                                                                    
It includes the techniques for different camera shots such as dolly shot, crane shot and R.C Helicopter shot. and the use of different microphones. Usually boom microphone is used on the set. Boom mic is attached to a stand which is placed above the head of the performer in a manner that it should not appeared on the screen.  

Producer is the one who decides how the scene has to be appeared on the screen i.e with what effect or transition the scene has to be presented. He guides the editor to use special graphics if needed. Sometimes dubbing is done by the cast crew which is also guided by producer. With his guidance the editor designs teasers or promos to influence the viewer towards watching program and also to hook the sponsors.     


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